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 Software system architects, developers, and integratorsSunday, March 16, 2025 

News & Highlights

Microsoft BizTalk/SharePoint Opportunity:  Dynamic Applications is aggressively looking for Microsoft BizTalk Server and SharePoint Portal Server opportunities in the healthcare, publishing, government, and retail sectors. Incentives are available for these projects provided they can be used as references by DynamicApps and by Microsoft.

New Learning Standards Management system:  Dynamic Applications has developed a Learning Standards Management system for the Brighter Choice Foundation and Brighter Choice Charter Schools. BCCS found that off-the-shelf solutions did not support their goal of measuring hundreds of specific learning standards per grade. As an example, students at Brighter Choice learn about making change from a dollar or who wrote the Gettysburg Address. Teachers assess their knowledge of the topic, and parents get a monthly printed report card showing that assessment and the average for the class. This gives parents an objective measure of how their students are doing, as well as a tool for holding the school accountable for their child’s education.

New Web-based Healthcare Service:  Dynamic Applications partnered with long-time associates in healthcare to develop a web service to support students with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). One of the hurdles that physicians face in treating ADHD is getting accurate information about how the student is doing between office visits. The web-based service enables teachers, parents, and students to assess the manner in which ADHD is affecting the student’s progress on a weekly basis. The physician can review the collected data, be notified of potential problems, and use it to make treatment decisions. Meanwhile, teachers are given suggestions about how to manage specific behaviors. A foundation-sponsored pilot project was recently completed, successfully, and funding is being sought for a larger trial to potentially be followed by a national rollout. Dynamic Applications developed a similar site for people with asthma in 1998.