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 Software system architects, developers, and integratorsFriday, March 14, 2025 

By Business Solution:
By Technology:
By Industry:
    ~ Healthcare & Insurance
    ~ Financial Services
    ~ Publishing
    ~ Manufacturing / Wholesale & Retail Sales
By Industry

Your problem is our problem. We pride ourselves in solving our customers’ needs regardless of what they are. If we are unfamiliar with a particular solution, we’ll be honest about it and we’ll do the homework necessary to deliver a successful project. Over time, we have developed expertise in working with certain industries, but they were all new to us once.

Vertical knowledge does help shorten the ramp-up time, but if you don’t see your industry listed, please let us demonstrate that we can apply our expertise to your problem.

Our knowledge of HIPAA regulations and our experience implementing line-of-business systems that support and enforce them make us a trusted resource for healthcare organizations.
We develop systems for financial services companies ranging from transaction processing to data analysis and compliance assessment.

We provide solutions for the publishing business including subscription management, content management, online buyer’s guides, ad management, and content distribution.
We have experience developing eCommerce storefronts, automated B2B business processes, and commerce infrastructure including ordering, fulfillment, payment processing, and inventory systems.